Nov 19, 2019

4 Crucial Considerations to Make Before Buying Land for Your Prefab Studio

Detached studios, backyard office pods, or sheds are small housing units, which can serve as offices, gyms, shops, or even as classrooms. These sheds create serene and peaceful indoor spaces, and they can be set up on your backyard, front yard, or any other secluded area that you choose. The use of prefabricated panels is the ideal approach to constructing these sheds because it reduces the building time by a third.

Posted by: Coast Studios

saltbox prefab studio kitsDetached studios, backyard office pods, or sheds are small housing units, which can serve as offices, gyms, shops, or even as classrooms. These sheds create serene and peaceful indoor spaces, and they can be set up on your backyard, front yard, or any other secluded area that you choose. The use of prefabricated panels is the ideal approach to constructing these sheds because it reduces the building time by a third.

With the right saltbox prefab studio kits, you can install your stand-alone prefab studio with ease, but before doing that, you have to find an ideal land for locating your backyard studio. This post highlights the four primary considerations that you should make when choosing a property for your studio's site.

Ease of Access

Is your chosen prefab studio site accessible via road? Remember, your saltbox prefab studio kits, panels, and modules get delivered to your home or any other location via large trucks. The trucks and cranes that do the lifting need wide and accessible road networks.

If the road to your home is windy and narrow or your backyard is behind rows of large trees, then you'll have an access problem. It may also cost you lots of money to hire an arborist to cut down trees to create space for the trucks and cranes to access the studio installation site. As such, always buy land that is accessible to avoid incurring extra expenses in clearing up an access route.

Local or City Building Restrictions, Laws and Regulations

Before purchasing saltbox prefab studio kits and land for your structure, you should check the local area or city building ordinances. This step helps you in determining whether the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction allow the construction of your prefab structure. For example, some local areas need prefab structures to be built to some specific aesthetic standards or by individual licensed and designated builders.

Access to Utility Lines

Will your prefab structure need electricity, gas, and water? It's essential to check whether your chosen land or site is close to utility hookups. You should review the proximity of the links to determine how much material and service cost you'll need to establish a connection.

Soil Type and Groundwork

You should ask the landowner for permission to perform a soil survey and exploratory digging before buying land for your prefab backyard office shed. The soil on-site and the topography can determine how much it will cost to grade the ground and lay a proper foundation. Sloppy land or clay soil may increase the cost of constructing your prefab housing unit.

Clay soils tend to expand and shrink. This problem often causes uneven settling of structures, which may lead to cracks and the shifting of utility lines, doors, and windows. If you have to build on land that has clay soil, then you will need to pre-compact the clay soil to lay a stable foundation.

In some instances, you'll need to build support beams to prevent the shifting soil from causing damage to your housing unit. If the land is on a steep slope or a rocky area, then you'll also incur considerable grading and drilling expenses to get an ideal leveled surface upon which you'll lay your foundation.

There is no wrong or right soil, but you have to consider the types of expenses that you'll encounter. Your saltbox prefab studio kits also have to be well-equipped to handle challenges on construction sites with soil and topography challenges.


Getting ideal saltbox prefab studio kits and building a prefab studio unit may not be as expensive as building a conventional home. But choosing and buying the wrong piece of land can increase the cost of building your modern backyard studios by a marked margin. Such a wrong choice may even waylay the entire plan. As such, you should make the considerations cited above to avoid incurring lots of avoidable expenses.

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